As a limo company do I need a DOT and MC number?
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issues two numbers to companies engaging in commercial transportation. The first is the United States Department of Transportation, or DOT number. The DOT number serves as a unique identification number for all motor carriers for the purpose of collecting safety data, compliance information, and accident investigations. The second is the FMCSA Motor Carrier, or MC number, often referred to as operating authority. An MC number is another unique number assigned to carriers that transport passengers.
Most people think that interstate commerce means crossing state lines in the vehicle, but they’re wrong. In May 2014, the FMCSA released an updated explanation to interstate commerce. The clarification explained that the airport is a port of entry for interstate cargo, mainly your passengers. That means that if you pick up an out of state passenger, or accept bookings for a CMV from out of state affiliates, you are engaged in interstate commerce.
So what does all this mean?
This means that most limo companies must be registered with the DOT and have an MC number. If you operate any vehicles over 8 passengers, this also means that each driver in your fleet must comply with federal law, and you as an owner must maintain vehicle and driver records as required by the FMCSA. These include complete driver qualification files, hours of service records, previous employer checks, and records of vehicle maintenance. This also means that you can be selected for roadside inspections or for a full DOT audit at any time.
Where do I Start?
Start by familiarizing yourself with the rules at
More helpful hints can also be found at or you can call us at (210)259-7470.